Getting Lost in Oxford: Dr Rob M Francis’ psychogeographical explorations as David Bradshaw Creative Writer in Residence
Psychogeographer, Dr Robert M. Francis reflects on his application of Guy Debord’s theory and ‘the art of getting lost’ during his residency in Oxford and aligns the practice with Waugh’s pilgrimage – like exploration of the world, as captured in his travel writing texts such as Holy Places and Remote People. For a while now, I’ve […]

An Oxford Quarrel: Evelyn Waugh and Hugh Trevor-Roper
Ahead of our Waugh’s Enemies event on Monday 25 September, Milena Borden gives a brief history of Waugh’s hostile relationship with Hugh Trevor-Roper – and asks what it tells us about Oxford’s post-war battle of ideas. There is no shortage of writing on the feud between Evelyn Waugh and Hugh Trevor-Roper. Most of it […]

A Trip to Oxford
I was recently in Oxford on the trail of Evelyn Waugh’s contributions to the University magazine The Isis. This was my first ever visit to Oxford, and though I was expecting to find the ‘gables and cupolas, exhal[ing] the soft airs of centuries of youth’, nothing quite prepared me for the outstanding beauty of […]
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