November – a busy month

I had originally planned to try and blog once a week, but then the activities during November got in the way a little.

The Scouts heritage badge session went well.  I was a little unprepared for the noise and discussion that the activities created, but it didn’t take me long to realise that the discussion was everyone getting stuck into the maps.   Some of the older maps show that Town Hall Square was once a sheep market.  That was an unexpected bit of information for many people.   The next step with this is to make a user friendly version to put on the website so other groups can have a go.

The Guides, Brownies and Rainbow’s badge is coming along nicely.  There are some interesting and crafty activities and games in the programme and with some tweaking and refining we should have something ready for the beginning of 2014.  Just in time for the Brownies 100th Anniversary year.

I met a new group of student volunteers interested in the Richard III project.  We had a session on the talk they can do for their schools or local community groups, what they might want to include and a few presenting tips.  Hopefully there will be some opportunities to go out into local communities across the UK (and possibly further afield) and give interested people more information.   The hours spent doing this volunteering all counts towards the Leicester Award.

ULAS launched their new book, Richard III – The King under the Car Park.  The launch was well attended and the authors were signing copies of the book.  There are apparently still a couple of signed copies for sale in the bookshop if you are lucky!

On top of this there have been meetings at the Cathedral and Council.  School lesson plans to revise and improve, and next years events to plan!

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Charlotte Barratt

About Charlotte Barratt

Richard III Outreach Officer

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