Physics and Astronomy Blog


Loz Atkinson’s: The Edge of Forever

Loz Atkinson’s: The Edge of Forever

An exhibition at the Attenborough Arts Centre brings together key works from Loz Atkinson’s ‘Imagined Nebula’ series, which began in 2015 as an outlet for Loz’s increasing interest in exploring the relationship that human beings have with the universe. For full details of the exhibition, please click here. The exhibition continues until March 27th, and will feature a live discussion group on 15th […]

Congratulations to Dr. Henrik Melin: New Webb Fellow!

Congratulations to Dr. Henrik Melin:  New Webb Fellow!

Dr Henrik Melin, of the University of Leicester, has been awarded a five-year Fellowship to study the giant planets using the James Webb Space Telescope, funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), with support from the University of Leicester. The Fellowship allows outstanding researchers to perform their own studies using the James Webb […]

Saturn’s high-altitude winds generate an extraordinary aurorae

Saturn’s high-altitude winds generate an extraordinary aurorae

Leicester space scientists have discovered a never-before-seen mechanism fuelling huge planetary aurorae at Saturn. Saturn is unique among planets observed to date in that some of its aurorae are generated by swirling winds within its own atmosphere, and not just from the planet’s surrounding magnetosphere. At all other observed planets, including Earth, aurorae are only […]

Juno and Hubble data reveal electromagnetic ‘tug-of-war’ lights up Jupiter’s upper atmosphere

Juno and Hubble data reveal electromagnetic ‘tug-of-war’ lights up Jupiter’s upper atmosphere

New Leicester space research has revealed, for the first time, a complex ‘tug-of-war’ lights up aurorae in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere, using a combination of data from NASA’s Juno probe and the Hubble Space Telescope. The study, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, describes the delicate current cycle driven by Jupiter’s rapid rotation and […]

Centenary PhD Scholarships

Centenary PhD Scholarships

The University of Leicester are investing £9m in 100 PhD Scholarships for entry in autumn 2022 as part of its ambition to deliver on its strategic aim to ‘nurture the next generation of researchers to become world-leaders in their field’. Application deadline: 11th March 2022 Start date: 26th September 2022 The projects listed below are in addition […]

Exoplanets and their Origins – Professor Richard Alexander Centenary Inaugural Lecture

Join Professor Richard Alexander as he discusses how planets and planetary systems are formed, highlighting what we understand, what we don’t understand, and questions for the future.

How to Train Your Telescope – Professor Mark Wilkinson Centenary Inaugural Lecture

In this lecture, Professor Wilkinson explores how hunting for dark matter with high performance computers, and the combination of novel machine learning techniques with next generation HPC technology is driving scientific discovery.

Research Bites: Solar System Science and JWST

Research Bites:  Solar System Science and JWST

We are pleased to announce the third of our “Physics Research Bites”, a short “bring-your-own-lunch” seminar series aimed at students and staff wishing to know more about the exciting research being undertaken here in Leicester, jointly hosted by PhySoc, AstRoSoc and the Physics Community Team.  Due to complications with COVID, our speaker Naomi Rowe-Gurney will be joining us remotely […]

Announcing 2022 Summer Internships for Leicester Undergraduates

Announcing 2022 Summer Internships for Leicester Undergraduates

Applications are open for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) scheme for 3rd and 4th year Leicester undergraduates. The SURE programme provides paid opportunities for talented undergraduates to get a flavour of the cutting-edge research being undertaken within the School of Physics and Astronomy. We will host 5-6 Leicester undergraduates (3rd or 4th year students) […]

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