
JWST at the National Space Centre

JWST at the National Space Centre

Space scientists from the University of Leicester demonstrated the cutting-edge science behind the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) at the National Space Centre this October half term. Leicester astronomers and planetary scientists will use data from JWST – the most advanced observatory ever built – to answer some of the fundamental questions about our Universe […]

Juno Mission unveils the depth and structure of planet’s shrinking red spot and colourful bands

Juno Mission unveils the depth and structure of planet’s shrinking red spot and colourful bands

Dr. Leigh Fletcher, Participating Scientist for the NASA’s Juno mission, reports on latest discoveries revealing the 3D structure of Jupiter’s deep atmosphere, in an article recently published on TheConversation. Further information can be found in press releases from JPL and from Leicester. Nasa’s Juno mission, the solar-powered robotic explorer of Jupiter, has completed its five-year prime mission to […]

Major step in UK contribution to space mission to study solar wind

Major step in UK contribution to space mission to study solar wind

Space scientists from the University of Leicester have delivered a key component for a new mission to study the impact of the solar wind on Earth’s magnetic field. Engineers from the University’s Space Research Centre have completed the structural and thermal model for the UK’s latest X-ray telescope, the Soft X-ray Imager (SXI), destined for […]

Leicester to lead Royal Astronomical Society livestream of Uranus

Leicester to lead Royal Astronomical Society livestream of Uranus

Astronomers and planetary scientists from the University of Leicester are to lead dedicated livestream observations of Uranus in partnership with the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) to bring live imagery of the planet to the public in the UK and around the world. Members of the public are invited to view live footage of the ‘ice […]

World Space Week at the National Space Centre

World Space Week at the National Space Centre

To celebrate World Space Week the National Space Centre is hosting its first in-person Space Lates since January 2020, offering space fans the chance to explore the galleries after hours, hear from special guest speakers and take part in a wide range of space-themed activities including astronomy and crafts. Space Lates is an evening created […]

AstRoSoc Success in the UKSEDS Satellite Design Competition – Mind Rover Matter

AstRoSoc Success in the UKSEDS Satellite Design Competition – Mind Rover Matter

Congratulations to the Mind-Rover-Matter team for their success in the UKSEDs Satellite Design Competition with their satellite S.P.A.R.K.L.E.S., achieving 4th place in the competition. Mind Rover Matter, in collaboration with AstRoSoc, was founded in October 2020 to participate in the Olympus Rover Trials competition hosted by UKSEDS. The competition saw the team design and develop […]

AstRoSoc Success in the UKSEDS Satellite Design Competition – SatXTeam

AstRoSoc Success in the UKSEDS Satellite Design Competition – SatXTeam

Congratulations to the SatXTeam for their success in the UKSEDs Satellite Design Competition with their satellite Cubesat NF1. SatXTeam, in collaboration with AstRoSoc, was founded in December 2020 and the team’s primary goal was to participate in the UKSEDS Satellite Design Competition. The team was composed of first and second year STEM undergraduate students who […]

Earth observation images reveal extent of ferocious forest fires in Siberia

Earth observation images reveal extent of ferocious forest fires in Siberia

Stunning satellite images depicting the recent gigantic infernos that devastated one of the coldest areas on the planet have been released to mark Earth Observation Week (6-10 September). Last month fires burning across Siberia – known for its cold and harsh winters – were bigger than all the fires burning across the globe combined. An […]

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