Announcing 2023 Summer Internships for Leicester Undergraduates
Applications are open for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE2023) scheme for 3rd and 4th year Leicester undergraduates. The SURE programme provides paid opportunities for talented undergraduates to get a flavour of the cutting-edge research being undertaken within the School of Physics and Astronomy. We will host 5-6 Leicester undergraduates (3rd or 4th year students) […]

Great School Turnout to Celebrate Diwali 2022
The School of Physics and Astronomy were pleased to bring back the complimentary food tasting of traditional Diwali snacks and sweets as part of the Diwali celebrations. For the first time since 2019, before the COVID pandemic, we could welcome all of our new and returning students to celebrate Diwali, and our multi-cultural city! Many […]

Book Launch Event: Original Sin: Power, Technology, and War in Outer Space
Everyone is warmly invited to join Dr. Bleddyn Bowen for a book launch with HyPIR and the Third Nuclear Age Project on Thursday 10th November 2022, 15:30-16:30, Brookfield Lecture Theatre 2, on the Brookfield campus. Dr Bleddyn Bowen is launching his new book this autumn: Original Sin: Power, Technology and War in Outer Space, with Hurst Publishers. He will talk […]

Physics and Astronomy Blog: Summer Digest
With the start of the new academic year upon us, the Physics Community team would like to remind you about the School blog, a key resource for sharing news, celebrating successes, and circulating announcements to the entire Physics and Astronomy community. Submitting News Stories Anyone is welcome to submit blog posts to the editor – […]

Announcing the 2021 Yearbook
The Physics Community Team, and the Leicester Physics News Team, are delighted to announce the publication of the 2021 Yearbook for the School of Physics and Astronomy. Continuing our annual tradition, we have brought together the very best news stories from the Physics and Astronomy community and assembled our Yearbook. The 2021 Yearbook can be […]

Physics and Astronomy October-November 2021 Digest
As we head towards the end of the Autumn term in the School of Physics and Astronomy, the Physics Community Team would like to share some of the highlights from across the School during the past two months. It’s nearly time for us to assemble our Yearbook for 2021 from the pages of this blog, […]

Physics and Astronomy Summer 2021 Digest
As we look ahead to a brand new academic year, and with life returning to campus for Leicester’s Centenary Year, the Physics Community team would like to share some of the news stories that have appeared on our School Blog during the summer months. Anyone within the School is encouraged to submit posts and stories to […]

Physics and Astronomy June 2021 Digest
With exams now behind us, and hopefully a pleasant summer ahead, the Physics Community Team want to share some of the recent highlights from the news blog in May and June 2021. Our Community Enormous congratulations to Dr. Jenny Carter on being awarded the prestigious 2021 Caroline Herschel Lectureship by the Royal Astronomical Society, and […]

The 2021 Partial Solar Eclipse
June 10th gave skywatchers a glimpse of an awesome celestial phenomenon… albeit through the cloudy skies of Leicestershire. A partial Solar Eclipse occurred on the morning of June 10th, visible from here in the UK, with about 23% coverage from Leicester. The timings of eclipses can be found using timeanddate.com, showing coverage maps and precise […]

Physics and Astronomy April 2021 Digest
With the end of the spring term, the Easter break, and the approach of the summer exam period, life in the School of Physics and Astronomy remains as busy as ever. This month’s digest summarises activity in March and April 2021, and please remember that all contributions are welcome! Our Community Read about how Oliver […]
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