I’ve used the IRUS-UK service to find out what book chapters in Leicester Research Archive (LRA) have been most downloaded in last few months. Top of the list is Dr. Corbett, J.M. ‘Technology‘. In: P. Hancock and A. Spicer (eds), Understanding corporate life, Sage, 2009, pp. 10-26. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/9839
Perhaps it is because of its ubiquity and taken-for-grantedness in everyday life that Organisation Studies (OS hereafter) has never really quite got to grips with the world of machines and technology.
Prof. Marijke Van der Veen‘s 2007 piece Food as an Instrument of Social Change: Feasting in Iron Age and Early Roman Southern Britain was published in The archaeology of food and identity / edited by Katheryn C. Twiss, pp. 112-129 and we have the chapter available as http://hdl.handle.net/2381/9561
The next two are both by Dr Sandra Dudley, Senior Lecturer in Museum Studies: Dudley, Sandra H., Museum materialities: objects, sense and feeling, ed. Dudley, Sandra H., ‘Museum Materialities: Objects, Engagements, Interpretations’, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009, Chapter 1 http://hdl.handle.net/2381/27896
Dudley, Sandra H., Encountering a Chinese horse: engaging with the thingness of things, ed. Dudley, Sandra H., ‘Museum Objects: Experiencing the Properties of Things’, Routledge, 2012, pp. 1-15 (15) http://hdl.handle.net/2381/27883
the next is again by Prof. Van der Veen with Helen Tabinor in 2007 again: Food, fodder and fuel at Mons Porphyrites: the botanical evidence in The Roman Imperial Quarries: Survey and Excavation at Mons Porphyrites 1994-1998, Volume 2: The Excavations / David Peacock and Valerie Maxfield, pp. 83-142. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/4539
The next available is Roger Dickinson‘s chapter: Dickinson, R., ‘Making up the news: journalists, deviance and social control in news production’ in Allan, Stuart (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism Studies, pp. 223-233 http://hdl.handle.net/2381/9546
In 2009 Dr Viv Golding wrote: Golding, V., ‘Dreams and Wishes: the multi-sensory museum space’, In: Dudley, S. (ed.) Museum Materialities, pp.224-240. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/9208
This had equal downloads in my sample with Prof. Julie Coleman‘s 2010 Historical and Sociological Methods in Slang Lexicography: Partridge, Maurer, and Cant. See “Cunning passages, contrived corridors”: Unexpected Essays in the History of Lexicography / ed. Michael Adams; Milan, Polimetrica, 2010; pp. 129-146. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/9597
Also equal was Richard Hingley’s 1996 Leicester Archaeology Monograph: Hingley, R. ‘The ‘legacy’ of Rome : the rise, decline, and fall of the theory of Romanization‘ in Webster, J.; Cooper, N. (eds.) Roman imperialism : post-colonial perspectives, pp. 34-48. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/28433 and in the same collection: Jane Webster’s Roman imperialism and the ‘post imperial age’ pp. 1-17. http://hdl.handle.net/2381/28431
[…] We work with IRUS-UK to compile COUNTER compliant download statistics which we can compare to other repositories and find things like our Top ten book chapters in LRA. […]