What to ask users?
We want to make the process of depositing, finding, reading and acting on our research as simple and efficient as possible and to remove barriers to access. A good way to improve usability is to watch real users perform real tasks. To do this, we need to pick a few tasks and some sample users. We […]
The name of the author
You might think that knowing who wrote a research paper would be simple. It isn’t. So? Why does it matter who wrote a paper? I immediately think of recognition, credit (or criticism!) and to read more from the same author. Perhaps we want to contact the author for collaboration or consultancy or to link them […]
Ideas for tools for helping with Open Access publication
I find tools from SHERPA useful. I like to keep an eye on what I’d ideally like as well as what is currently available both for me and people I work with. In tools to help with Open Access publishing: For researchers: A clear choice between contractual choices for a journal, with a small number […]
Publisher-librarian round table, 20 May 2014
SCONUL e-monthly April 2014 had [links added by me] One-day workshop on open access, London, 20 May BMJ, IOP Publishing, Royal Society Publishing and the Royal Society of Chemistry are working in collaboration with the Research Information Network (RIN) to run a one-day workshop on open access (OA), in order to understand how institutions have […]
Compliance Venn Diagram
In conversation this morning I was thinking of how a researcher publishing is responsible for compliance or legal agreement with potentially three parties: their funder, their publisher and their employer. The researcher will also be choosing their own publication preferences. We in the library Research Services can help navigate this space if asked. We know […]
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