
Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 – Part 3

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 – Part 3

On February 11th the School of Physics and Astronomy joined in with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science celebrations, using Twitter (@PhysicsUoL) to showcase some of the valuable, innovative research currently being led by women around the School. In the final post in this series, we move beyond the planetary explorers showcased […]

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 – Part 2

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 – Part 2

On February 11th the School of Physics and Astronomy joined in with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science celebrations, using Twitter (@PhysicsUoL) to showcase some of the valuable, innovative research currently being led by women around the School.In this second in a series of three posts, we move beyond the planetary explorers […]

Astrophysics Seminar – 17th Feb 3pm. JJ Hermes: White dwarf variability as seen from space

Please find a teams link in the Astrophysics Group > Seminars area. Abstract: White dwarfs have been used as flux standards for decades, thanks to their staid simplicity. These endpoints of all low- and intermediate-mass stars are used as absolute calibrators for a range of science, including precision cosmology. In the era of space missions […]

AstroSeminar: Prof. Catherine Espaillat (Boston University), “Multiwavelength Accretion Variability in Young Stellar Objects”

The department seminar next week (Wed 10th of Feb) will be delivered by Prof. Catherine C. Espaillat (Boston University), at usual time (3.00 pm). Please find below title and abstract of the seminar. If you did not receive the invitation on Teams please send an me email (er198[at] Title: Multiwavelength Accretion Variability in Young Stellar […]

AstroSeminar: How can we observe forming planets and their surroundings?

Tomorrow (13th Jan) the Wednesday seminar will be delivered by Prof. Judit Szulagyi (ETH, Zurich) at usual time (3pm). Please find below title and abstract of the talk. Members of the School of Physics and Astronomy who did not receive the link via email can send an email to er198[at] to receive the link. Title: How can […]

SVOM has left the building

SVOM has left the building

An update on the X-ray optic for the Chinese-French satellite SVOM, by Charly Feldman. Further to the post published by Julian Osborne in October, the SVOM FM optic has now completed all its X-ray and environmental testing. It has been shaked and baked and survived all with no noticeable changes! This has been confirmed by in […]

National Space Centre’s Women in Space Series

Leicester Space Scientists have been included in a series of interviews by the National Space Centre focussing on Women in Space and careers in STEM. Dr Sarah Casewell is an Observational Astronomer and STFC Ernest Rutherford fellow within the School of Physics and Astronomy specialising in understanding the mysteries of distant Brown Dwarfs. Dr Charly […]

Congrats to Soheb Mandhai – Winning Entry for RAS Early Career Poster Exhibition

Congrats to Soheb Mandhai – Winning Entry for RAS Early Career Poster Exhibition

The School congratulates researcher Soheb Mandhai on one of the five winning entries for the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) poster exhibition. With NAM cancelled in the RAS’s 200th anniversary year, the RAS wanted to give early career researchers the opportunity to share their work in a format that is freely available to all. Led by […]

PhysUoL Live:  Next Big Thing in Astro

PhysUoL Live: Next Big Thing in Astro

The Physics Community Team is delighted to invite all members of the School to the first PhysUoL Live discussion event, this Friday November 27th at 4pm. This will be the first in a series of live Q&A sessions hosted via Microsoft Teams, allowing students and staff to get up to speed with the latest scientific […]

PhD Projects for 2021

PhD Projects for 2021

Several proposed STFC-supported and NERC-supported PhD studentships in Planetary Science, Astrophysics and Earth Observation will be available at the University of Leicester, starting in September 2021.   Application Deadline for STFC projects:  January 20th 2021.Application Deadline for NERC/CENTA projects:  January 11th 2021. The list of advertised projects can be found here, including (but not limited to) topics in […]

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