Physics Research Bites: BepiColombo

We’re pleased to announce the first of a new series of “Physics Research Bites”, a short “bring-your-own-lunch” seminar series aimed at students wishing to know more about the exciting research being undertaken here in Leicester.

Jointly hosted by PhySoc, AstRoSoc and the Physics Community Team, these informal seminars will feature researchers from across the School, and give you a flavour of the cutting-edge research topics being tackled in the labs and offices within the university.

Talks will start at 13:15 in Lab E (first floor), giving you enough time to grab a sandwich. We’ve asked our speakers to talk for 20 minutes, leaving 10 mins for questions, and finishing at 13:45. These will be light-hearted introductions suitable for an undergraduate audience.

Our first event will be:

Dr. Suzie Imber talking about the BepiColombo mission to Mercury.

November 22nd 2021.

Talks will be recorded and archived, but will not be live-streamed – so please come along to have your burning questions answered!

Update: you can catch up on this seminar here.

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