Panel Event: Competing for Space Superiority? Arms Racing, Rivalries and Hype in Space

Join us for an in-depth discussion, led by Dr Bleddyn Bowen, on the realities behind the rhetoric of arms racing, rivalries and other types of hype in space.

Outer space is often described as the “ultimate high-ground”, as the prize at the end of a cosmic race. The winner will be granted the limitless advantages provided by “space-superiority”. Is that really true? Is that the way everyone sees political dynamics playing out in space? Is that the way it needs to be?

Moderator: Dr Bleddyn Bowen, University of Leicester


  • Associate Professor Alice Gorman, Flinders University
  • Dr Cameron Hunter, University of Leicester
  • Lauren Napier, PhD Researcher, University of Northumbria
  • Professor Chris Newman, University of Northumbria
  • Anuradha Damale, Assistant Researcher, VERTIC

Panel remarks followed by Q&A.

Attendance is free but you need to register here:

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