Several proposed STFC-supported and NERC-supported PhD studentships in Planetary Science, Astrophysics and Earth Observation will be available at the University of Leicester, starting in September 2021.

Application Deadline for STFC projects: January 20th 2021.
Application Deadline for NERC/CENTA projects: January 11th 2021.
The list of advertised projects can be found here, including (but not limited to) topics in Planetary Science, Astrophysics, and Space hardware. STFC projects are listed here, and this is where you’d likely be looking if you are interested in space science and astrophysics. Full details of funding eligibility requirements and the application process are available from the link above.
The full list is also available via FindAPhd.
Please do spread the word, and contact our postgraduate admissions team (, or the supervisors directly, for more information regarding the projects.
Astrophysics Projects
AST/2021/ALE The building blocks of planets Supervisors: Richard Alexander and Giovanni Rosotti
AST/2021/BUR Finding transiting exoplanets with NGTS Supervisors: Matt Burleigh and Mike Goad
AST/2021/GOA Mapping the central regions of AGN Supervisors: Mike Goad and Simon Vaughan
AST/2021/LAP Astronomy at extreme energies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array Supervisors: Jon Lapington and Steve Leach
AST/2021/NAY1 Connecting exoplanet formation to the Solar system Supervisors: Sergei Nayakshin and Jon Nichols
AST/2021/NAY2 Sgr A*, our Galaxy’s supermassive black hole Supervisors: Sergei Nayakshin and Andrew Blain
AST/2021/NIC Modelling the upper atmospheres of brown dwarfs and exoplanets Supervisors: Jonathan Nichols and Tom Stallard
AST/2021/NIX Black holes, planets and dynamic accretion discs in astrophysics Supervisors: Chris Nixon and Richard Alexander
AST/2021/ROS Studying proto-planetary disc evolution with population synthesis Supervisors: Giovanni Rosotti and Richard Alexander
AST/2021/STA The physics of energetic transients across the spectrum Supervisors: Rhaana Starling and Nial Tanvir
AST/2021/TAN Multi-messenger astrophysics Supervisors: Nial Tanvir and Rhaana Starling
AST/2021/WAT The AGN-galaxy connection: utilising the power of large sky surveys Supervisors: Mike Watson and Rhaana Starling
Solar System Projects
APP/2021/HUT Signatures of Life: Development and use of novel spectroscopy techniques Supervisors: Ian Hutchinson and Tom Stallard
ATM/2021/FLE Exploring the Atmospheres of the Giant Planets with James Webb Supervisors: Leigh Fletcher and Jon Nichols
Terrestrial Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Projects
GEO/2021/MIL Electrodynamics of the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupled system Supervisors: Steve Milan and Suzie Imber
PLA/2021/WRI The transfer of solar wind energy into the upper atmosphere through magnetospheric waves Supervisors: Darren Wright and Tim Yeoman
Earth Observation Science
Hartmut Boesch CENTA2-PHYS4-BOES Machine Learning Methods for Satellite Remote Sensing in Support of CO2 Emission Monitoring
John Remedios CENTA2-PHYS5-REME Using satellites to map the spatial characteristics of urban air pollution from aerosols at a time of climate change, health choices and pandemics
Darren Wright CENTA2-PHYS1-WRIG Solar variability and forcing of the lower atmosphere
National Centre for Earth Observation
Darren Ghent CENTA2-NCEO2-GHEN Improving temperature observations from Space to close the energy budget of the Earth in support of UNFCCC objectives and the Paris Agreement
Jeremy Harrison CENTA2-NCEO3-HARR Monitoring air quality from space: fast retrievals of short-lived atmospheric pollutants and precursors
Robert Parker CENTA2-NCEO4-PARK Peatland fires in cold regions and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions: constraining climate feedbacks using modelling and earth observations
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