Postgraduate Researcher Careers


In the Land of the Blind the One-eyed Man is King

This morning I watched a Youtube Video (hey, aren’t I down with the kids  ), about a researcher advocating the view that communications about the Covid-19 pandemic are being manipulated to force people into taking patented vaccinations, when they eventually come on stream. It was a 30 minute piece, and presented what appeared to […]

Whose Reality?

Although having a number of social media accounts, I seldom post on them. However, a few days ago I posted to express my irritation at the current tendency to refer to difficult/ unprecedented/challenging etc… times. Yes, the current situation we all find ourselves in qualifies for each of those descriptions. However, I hold the view, […]

Tie a Yellow Ribbon

Like many people I see the value in the current emphasis on Wellbeing at Work. Like a smaller number of cynical people, I believe the fad will pass. When it does I, like some others, will still be advocating the Wellbeing at Work concept whilst others will have moved on to the next fad; probably […]

Better the Devil you know?

As I was recently browsing through some professional social media I noticed a reference to an advertised job role. For clarity, I was/am not interested in said role. However, when I clicked on the link provided it came up as the application deadline had passed. Fair enough, but the thing that piqued my curiosity was […]

Talking Loud and Clear

I guess it must be the time of year, but recently reading about students in Ireland doing their Leaving Certificate examinations I was reminded of the warm summer (past summers always seem warmer) when I did my Leaving Certificate exams. One of the big hits of the summer was a song by OMD called “Talking […]

My Suffering is my Badge of Honour

Last week I attended the first International Conference on the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Postgraduate Researchers. Within an hour of arriving I had learned that amongst countries of the OECD, England is in the bottom three for: • Quality of life; • Family life/support; • Economic pressure. Suffice to say that was not cheery […]

Lopping the heads off daisies; at the heart of Enterprise.

Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that matters. Winston Churchill. I recently found myself talking with two people with several years of successful self-employment behind them, and asking about the secret to their success. I wondered about the precarious nature of self-employment, particularly in the consultancy world […]


Every day we have choice. From the moment we wake in the morning to the end of our day, from early childhood until we lose our reason or die we have choice. Choice of children’s school. The holidays to take. The subjects to take in school. The career path to follow, or not. Friends, life […]

He answered his emails instantly – What an Epitaph.

Back in August I published Blog Post titled “When you’re working you’re working”. In it I referred to the culture that pervades so many work places, where ‘busyness’ and ‘being present’ appear to be markers of workplace engagement over and above actual outputs. Whilst the world, and the working world, appears to still be working […]

Specialist or Generalist?

Working in a large organisation means the co-ordination of a wide range of ‘moving parts’. This requires a range of roles to enable that co-ordination process. Leadership roles to ensure there is a vision for the organisation and the activities of the organisation keep it moving in the direction of that vision to optimise the […]

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