An Academic Career – the ambition of every postgraduate researcher?
So you are doing a PhD? Why? In career management terms we find that PhD researchers can be categorosed in one of four ways, in terms of their reasons for doing a PhD. These are: 1. doing it as a natural progression from their previous studies, with a view to starting a professional career; 2. […]
Biotechnology YES and Environment YES
Once again applications are open for the 2015 versions of Biotechnology YES and Environment YES. These competitions present a wonderful opportunity for PhD researchers and Early Career Researchers to develop key to enhance employability skills for your future career. Participants develop skills in the development and presentation of original ideas that are essential for future […]
Cumberland Lodge Scholarships 2015
The Cumberland Lodge Scholarship is a scheme designed to enable current PhD researchers to develop skills for their career after completion of their PhD. Cumberland Lodge is offering the opportunity for 1st or 2nd year doctoral students studying at universities in the United Kingdom to develop skills in communication, public engagement and interdisciplinary collaboration through a […]
Updates on some of the career management activities happening at the University of Leicester
10th Annual CMBSP Postgraduate Careers Symposium Bookings have opened for the 10th annual Postgraduate Careers Symposium for the College of Medicine, Biological Sciences and Psychology. Places are filling up quickly, with almost 50 people having booked their place since bookings opened on Tuesday last. With a total of 90 spaces available, the advice has to […]
You get out what you put in
The phrase brings back memories of sports training, many years ago, where success was predicated on effort. The idea being that the harder one worked, and of course the more effectively one focussed one’s efforts, the more likely one was to fulfil potential and/or be successful. In the context of career development a very similar […]
Begin with the end in mind
At the start of another academic year, it seems an apt time to consider what aspirations we have at the beginning of a new year or a new venture. A PhD is a 3 or 4 year full time venture; even longer part-time. Too often people set forth on this venture without considering what they […]
Which tennis ball am I chasing?
The use of metaphor is increasingly being used in career planning. For a PhD researcher it can be a useful way of conceptualising the place of career planning amongst the range of challenges to be addressed. I recently came across a metaphor for people’s career behaviour based on how a dog chases a tennis ball […]
Why should I engage with Career Management provision?
A PhD is a busy process. It is hard to find the time for other things. So why shouldn’t a PhD researcher leave the “careers stuff” until they are finished with their PhD? I think this insightful piece answers the question really well.
New format Career Management provision
Why the new format Career Management delivery? In the academic year 2014/15 the delivery of career management provision for PhD researchers at the University of Leicester will take on a new format. Whilst more details will be presented in future blogs, the point is that there will be five units: 1. The employment market, providing […]
UoL PhD Researcher wins Cumberland Lodge Scholarship
UoL PhD student wins prestigious Cumberland Lodge Scholarship The Cumberland Lodge Scholarship is a two-year programme for doctoral students studying in the UK, designed to fit around their studies and research. The scholarship offers a unique opportunity for students from any discipline to develop skills in communication, public engagement, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Each year, six […]
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