Political Cartooning in Côte d’Ivoire: Interview with Lassane Zohoré

Political Cartooning in Côte d’Ivoire: Interview with Lassane Zohoré

JI: What first drew you to cartooning? LZ: I’ve been cartooning since I was little, before I started school. I remember entertaining myself by drawing on the living room door, I would draw everywhere! With my friends I would take part in cartooning competitions, we would challenge each other. Sometimes we would go looking for […]

On threats to freedom of expression in Hungary: blog post by cartoonist Gabor Papai

On threats to freedom of expression in Hungary: blog post by cartoonist Gabor Papai

On 27 April 2020, during the first wave of the coronavirus I drew a cartoon about Cecília Müller (illustration 1), the chief medical officer of Hungary and member of the Government’s “Coronavirus Task Force”. In this cartoon, she is looking at a crucifix saying: Alapbetegsége Függőséget okozott – “His underlying condition caused addiction”. In Hungarian […]

Willis from Tunis: An Interview with Cartoonist Nadia Khiari

Willis from Tunis: An Interview with Cartoonist Nadia Khiari

Cartooning is a subject that has caused much division and controversy in recent years. Cartoonists have paid with their lives for drawing the Prophet Muhammed. And last year, here in the UK, there was a row about a cartoon in The Guardian that depicted the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, as a cow with a ring […]

Cartooning in South Africa: Jonathan Zapiro on the Post-Apartheid ‘Rainbow Nation’

Jonathan Shapiro, also known as Zapiro, is a renowned South African cartoonist. His cartoons have appeared in numerous publications in South Africa, as well as in The Sunday Times. Shout Out UK has been working with Cartooning for Peace and the University of Leicester to run COVID in Cartoons, a project helping young people express themselves and engage […]

Pedagogy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Covid in Cartoons project

Pedagogy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Covid in Cartoons project

Education is amongst the many things impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Young people were required to spend part of their 2020 and 2021 schooling at home. Across the UK some were often confined to small spaces, experiencing anxiety from uncertainty, and struggling to meet the demands of schooling.  As students have returned to school in […]

A Cartoon Paints a Thousand Words: An Interview with Yemi

When cartoons are mentioned, one’s mind often wanders to shows like The Simpsons and to Marvel comic books. One does not tend to think of serious humanitarian issues. Despite the fact that political cartooning is prevalent in the West, cartoons are widely perceived as children’s entertainment — though some would disagree with that. Addis Ababa-based […]

Cartooning: A Delicate Art Form that Needs to be Preserved

Cartooning: A Delicate Art Form that Needs to be Preserved

‘A pencil is like a torch’. The phrase stood out to me during my interview with Michel Kichka — illustrator, caricaturist and political cartoonist. In a way, the phrase cast a light on the role and responsibilities connected to political cartooning. In fact, it serves as a helpful embodiment of political cartooning. Shout Out UK […]

Cartoonist Vladimir Kazanevsky: interview by Dilan Ucer

Cartoonist Vladimir Kazanevsky: interview by Dilan Ucer

Political cartoonist Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine) is interviewed by University of Leicester student Dilan Ulcer.

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