Arch-I-Scan Colloquium and Workshop – Artificial Intelligence and Pottery Identification and Analyses, College Court, Leicester Thursday- Friday 20th-21st April
please click here to go to the blog post on the Arch-I-Scan news website.

Arch-I-Scan Welcomes Dr Tatiana Tyukina
Please click here or the image below to be redirected to this blog post on the Arch-I-Scan news website.

Sun’s out! Go inside for a conference!
I can scarcely believe it, but aspects of the before life that seemed irrevocably lost (or at least changed) are becoming possible again. Last Friday I attended my first in-person symposium in over two years (OK it was hybrid, but it counts!). While online conferences were convenient in their way (listening to presentations while doing […]

There’s a New Postdoc in Town… Welcome Zedong Zheng!
Incoming project news! Although Dr. Shuihua (Sharon) Wang remains on the Arch-I-Scan project team as a research associate, we now have a new official Mathematics Postdoctoral Research Associate. The Arch-I-Scan project warmly welcomes Zedong Zheng to the team as our Maths Postdoc. Zedong is coming to us from De Montfort University, just across the city. […]

Aysha Scans: The Summer Intern
Special Guest Blog Post by Aysha Wahid As a self-identified over-achiever, after giving in my last assignment and finally completing my degree, instead of binge-watching The Office like a normal student would, I decided to apply for a finalist summer internship at the University (also partly because I needed the money and partly to avoid […]

News and New ‘Normals’
Amid a third national lockdown, the Arch-I-Scan team continues with research. Our principal investigator, Professor Penelope Allison has been active on the digital public lecture circuit, sharing research updates to international audiences from her current location in Australia. On Wednesday, 03 February, she delivered a virtual lecture for the Stanford University Archaeology Center’s ‘Distinguished Lecture […]

Celebrating End-of-the-Year Successes
With the start of a new year comes a renewed optimism and hope for better times, and the transition from 2020 to 2021 has been no exception (to say the very least). Still, as we usher in a new year it’s also important to reflect on the good things that happened in the old. In […]

Science-Fiction Reality? Artificial Intelligence and Archaeology
Every so often, I’ll get the question, ‘So, have you ever found any dinosaurs?’ Although I’d honestly love to encounter a dinosaur bone or two on an archaeological excavation, as a student of archaeology I have to respond that dinosaurs are generally the realm of the palaeontologist, and what I deal with are the […]
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