Conversations with… Prof. Richard Alexander

Professor Richard Alexander is a Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics who specialises in (exo)planet formation and protoplanetary discs. Recently, he has also taken up the role of Postgraduate Research (PGR) Director within the School of Physics and Astronomy.

Professor Richard Alexander

What is your official Job Role?

Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics.

Can you briefly describe your role within the School of Physics and Astronomy?

I’m a member of the academic staff, so my job covers research, teaching and admin. My research mainly focuses on (exo)planet formation and protoplanetary discs, and I teach courses and supervise projects at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. (Currently I teach first-year waves and oscillations; third-year cosmology; and a postgrad planet formation module). I’ve also recently taken over as the postgraduate research (PGR) Director within the School.

What made you want to start on this career path?

I was a stereotypical primary school kid who asked their parents to set up a telescope in the garden. When I was older I realised physics was something that really interested me, and during my undergraduate degree I found it was the astronomy/astrophysics courses that I enjoyed the most, I did consider quite a few different career options in my life, but I’ve been quite fortunate to be able to keep doing something that I really enjoy long enough to turn it into a career.

What made you choose Leicester/what’s your favourite thing about working at Leicester?

When I first moved here (in 2009/10) the main attractions were a combination of the research going on, the people working here, and the facilities on offer (in particular the high-performance computing facilities). But since moving here I’ve come to value a lot of things I didn’t know about then.

If you could give your former self one piece of advice what would it be?

People will remember the times you are kind more than they’ll remember the times you were right.

What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?

If I say anything other than ‘cycling’ here, no-one in the department will think this is really me.

What is your proudest achievement (doesn’t have to be work related)?

Hard to say, but at the moment our son’s excellent dad jokes are high on the list.

If you had to describe yourself in one word what word would you choose?

Struggling to think of something other than ‘Scottish’ here, but I’ll get back to you.

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