Diversity Session at the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics

The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) is celebrating its centenary in 2022/23, and Dr. Gillian Butcher (IUPAP Vice President at Large) is organising a session on diversity.

As part of the IUPAP celebrations, a centenary symposium is being held in Trieste, 11th-13th July 2022. The symposium is available to attend online (no registration fee) by applying at https://indico.ictp.it/event/9874/overview by 30th June.

Dr Gillian Butcher (researcher in space instrumentation and Co-Director of EDI) who was appointed to the IUPAP Executive Council in October 2021 as Vice President at Large with responsibility for Gender, is organising a session on diversity. The session will look at how to move from focussing on gender to broader diversity issues, which has been the trend in many countries but for many may seem a step too far.

A panel consisting of Chandralekhar Singh (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Pegah Maasoumi (Swinbourne University of Technology, Australia), Lilia Meza Montes (BUAP Mexico and Chair of IUPAP Working Group on Women in Physics) and Joe Niemela (ICTP, Italy) who have wide experience of championing diversity, will share some of the issues and challenges to be faced and addressed, followed by open discussion with participants (in person and online).

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