AstroSeminar – Geoffroy Lesur (Grenoble) – Wed 24th Feb, 3pm

The Wednesday seminar this week (24th of Feb) will be delivered by Dr. Geoffroy Lesur (Grenoble) at usual time (3pm). Please find below title and abstract of the talk. Send an email to er198[at] if you have not received the link to join the seminar.

Title: Dynamics of planet-forming discs : the role of magnetised winds

Abstract: The planet-forming region of protoplanetary disks is cold, dense, and therefore weakly ionised. For this reason, MHD turbulence is thought to be mostly absent, and another mechanism has to be found to explain gas accretion. It has been proposed that magnetised winds, launched from the ionised disk surface, could drive accretion in the presence of a large-scale magnetic field. The efficiency and the impact of these winds on the disk structure is still highly uncertain. 

In this talk, I will review the most recent development in the modelling of these object, emphasising the role played by non-ideal MHD effects and magnetised winds on accretion and the formation of large structures. I will show how these models could explain several observed features which cannot be captured by classical turbulent disc models.

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