AstroSeminar: Michelle Collins (Surrey), “Understanding the mysteries of the Low Surface Brightness Universe “

The department seminar this week (Wed 3rd of Feb) will be delivered by Dr. Michelle Collins (Surrey), at usual time (3.00 pm). Please find below title and abstract of the seminar. If you did not receive the invitation on Teams please send an me email (er198[at]

Title: Understanding the mysteries of the Low Surface Brightness Universe 

Abstract: In the past decade, our view of the low surface brightness Universe has been transformed thanks to deep, homogenous sky surveys. In the Local Group, this has allowed us to find and study ever fainter dwarf galaxies, as well as uncover large populations of diffuse galaxies both nearby and at larger distances. These faint, diffuse systems are interesting as they can inform us about the first galaxies and the nature of dark matter. In this talk, I will discuss our detailed observations of these low surface brightness systems within the Local Group, and how they are challenging some of our ideas about galaxy evolution and the Lambda cold dark matter paradigm.

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