Equalities should be Equal

Ok, so I have to prefix the first paragraph by saying I do not watch reality TV. However, I cannot help but be aware of an incident in the recent run of “Celebrity Big Brother” where a female contestant accused a male contestant of having punched her. Apparently, part of her explanation of events to other contestants included comments that “this is why women do not report…” All fair enough, except the show was Big Brother so there were cameras everywhere, and the objective evidence demonstrated that the man in question was innocent. In most situations in life there are not cameras everywhere and so, in most non Big Brother situations, the man’s reputation would have been unjustly destroyed. Things are not always as they seem.
Broadly speaking we do not get to choose our workplace colleagues, so they are essentially like relatives; we do not get to choose them, but have to make do with the ones we have. Therefore there is a need for respect and social responsibility all round. I guess it is an example of the principle that we all have rights, but with those rights come responsibilities.
There has been some commentary in the media recently about proposals for legislation to be introduced, in the UK, to make misogyny a hate crime. Personally, I could not agree more. However, I would hope that when misogyny is made a hate crime that misandry is also given the same status. Otherwise there will be an imbalance.
In workplaces far and wide there is an ever increasing focus on people being treated equally. Again this is surely just, but it is important to remember the need for balance because things may not always be as they seem.


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Martin Coffey

About Martin Coffey

Postgraduate Career Development Adviser, Doctoral College Team.

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