“Crisis? What Crisis?” – UK politicians and Brexit
by Dr Rebecca Acres, Honorary Fellow, University of Leicester Whether or not it ever actually happens, Brexit is the defining political and leadership challenge of our times. As I write this the Prime Minister of our supposedly sovereign tiny island nation, our “Perfidious Albion” if you will, is presenting to the EU 27 a […]
Leaders In Healthcare 2018: Rt Hon Matt Hancock
It would be interesting to hear from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care any day. But on the morning Matt Hancock was due to speak to Leaders In Healthcare 2018, the cabinet was in turmoil and the Brexit Secretary had just resigned. Naturally the delay to the Secretary of State’s appearance […]
Leaders In Healthcare 18: Chief Medical Officers Panel
I’m lucky enough to be spending half of this week at Leaders In Healthcare 2018, a national conference from the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management and the BMJ. Over the next few posts I’m going to cover some talks and themes emerging from the day. At the risk of quickly becoming outdated, […]
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