19th Octobe 2016 Sol 1495

Curiosity has been drilling at Sabina as we continue our Murray formation investigations.

Meanwhile Trace Gas Orbiter has successfully been placed in orbit. The TGO will follow up the discovery of methane in the Mars’ atmosphere made by Curiosity’s SAM and Mars Express, and ground-based observations in the infrared spectrum of methane in the atmosphere.

@uniofleicester are part of the CaSSIS stereo camera on @ESA_TGO which we will use to help characterise recent surface processes.

Some data has been sent back after release from TGO by the Schiaparelli technology demonstrator lander but no signal sent back to indicate a succesful landing. Hopefully the data will be sufficient to work out what happened during descent.

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About jbridges

This blog is a record of my experiences and work during the Mars Science Laboratory mission, from the preparation, landing on August 5th 2012 Pacific Time, and onwards... I will also post updates about our other Mars work on meteorites, ExoMars and new missions. You can also follow the planetary science activities with @LeicsPlanets Professor John Bridges, School of Physics and Astronomy

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