Session 1: Reference intervals for African Buffalo
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found on my github page. If you have not already done so then you might start by reading my introduction to […]

The Introductory Lecture
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found on my github page. If you have not already done so then you might start by reading my introduction to […]
On not using tidymodels
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found on my github page. If you have not already done so then you might start by reading my introduction to […]
Reproducibility and Style
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found on my github page. If you have not already done so then you might start by reading my introduction to […]

A Workflow for Data Analysis
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found at https://github.com/thompson575/RCourse. If you have not already done so then you might start by reading my introduction to the blog at […]
Data Science or Statistics
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found at https://github.com/thompson575/RCourse. If you have not already done so then you might start by reading my introduction to the blog […]
Starting with the data
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found at https://github.com/thompson575/RCourse. If you have not already done so then you might start by reading my introduction to the blog at […]
Starting with the tidyverse
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found at https://github.com/thompson575/RCourse. You can find the introduction to this blog at https://staffblogs.le.ac.uk/teachingr/2020/08/24/teaching-r/. In this post I’ll discuss teaching […]
Teaching R
This blog discusses the teaching of data analysis with R. It was inspired by a short course that I first ran in the autumn of 2018. The notes for that course can be found on my github page at https://github.com/thompson575/RCourse. This is a new blog in which I will discuss my experiences of […]
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