Posted by Alberto Fernández Carbajal in Queering Islam on November 26, 2015
On the morning of 25 November 2015, I headed out to the BBC Radio Leicester studio for an interview with Ed Stagg, who hosted me and Dr Samar Habib across the airwaves. He asked us about the context for my research project Queer Diasporas: Islam, Homosexuality and a Micropolitics of Dissent, about the use of the term ‘queer’ and we chatted about the necessity of broaching the topic of homosexuality in Islam in such a way that we fight both Islamophobia and homophobia. Samar joined us from a BBC studio in London after giving a talk at SOAS (University of London) the previous evening, and discussed her own perspective on the sensitivity of the issue and about the long tradition of debating difficult topics within Islam.
For the full interview, please follow this link and scroll to 01:05:20. The interview will be available for 1 month.
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About Alberto Fernández Carbajal
Alberto is a Leverhulme Fellow at School of English, University of Leicester, where he previously was Teaching Fellow in Postcolonial Literature. He's currently working on a Leverhulme-funded project entitled Queer Diasporas: Islam, Homosexuality and a Micropolitics of Dissent, dealing with representations of queer Muslims in international fiction and film. His research interests include queer, colonial and postcolonial literatures and modernist, cosmopolitan and black British writing. His monograph Compromise and Resistance in Postcolonial Writing: E. M. Forster's Legacy was published by Palgrave Macmillan in early 2014. He is consultant for ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature. His work has been published in ARIEL and in the Journal of Commonwealth Literature.
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