Close your eyes and pull like a dog.
As I write this Olympics 2016, in Rio de Janeiro, are in their final days. Once again the four-yearly sports fest has produced a blend of the good, the bad and the ugly. The good has been the honest endeavour of so many athletes from around the globe. The bad and the ugly are not […]
Professionalism – the Wisdom of the Minions
Following from the release of the Minions movie, and of course not forgetting their impact via ‘Despicable me’, I must confess to having a feed from their “wisdom of the minions”. Indeed some of it is very wise. After all, how someone treats a minion says as much (read more) about them, and their professionalism, […]
Editing the Post-Graduate Research Magazine Frontier – by Felicity Easton (PhD researcher)
The University of Leicester boasts a diverse range of research schools and departments. The life of a post-graduate researcher is usually an inconspicuous one. Day to day working away within our department, we impress our progress on colleagues who can elicit appreciation being familiar with our research frontiers and tribulations. But what is happening elsewhere […]
Work Life Balance
So yesterday saw the end of David Cameron’s time as UK Prime Minister. A role that no doubt engrossed a large portion of his waking hours. Perhaps 16 hour days as the norm and then of course there would be working at the weekends. Allied to all of this he would have to endure a […]
It’s not me, it’s you.
So, we have all been there, on the receiving end of unreasonable behaviour from another person; be it lover, relative, friend, customer etc… When I deliver a Coping with Stress session, for PhD researchers, I focus on the fact that we always have ultimate control over our own feelings and responses to the behaviour of […]
What is stress?
Those of us of a certain age may remember that “back in the day” an artist called Hadaway had a hit song (do people still use that phrase?) called “What is love?” It began with the lyrics “What is love, baby don’t hurt me’ don’t hurt me no more…” It seems to me the word […]
“We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are”. It would appear that at the moment the world is full of coaches; no, not the type you travel in. The type that enable individual’s personal and professional development. Sports coaches, Executive coaches, Life coaches… the list goes on. One definition […]
But he/she interviewed well (part 1).
So you want a job? Well first you have to decide what kind of job etc… Actually let’s skip over this part and cut straight to the part where you have to go through an interview. Of course this may include a lot of parts these days, but let’s focus on the actual interview. Question: […]
Beginning with the end in mind
Another academic year has begun and for those doing research degrees, there will be significant stages to be faced in their PhD journey. Probation, writing up, final submission, viva etc… Whilst this might seem a good opportunity to prattle on about the benefits of thinking ahead to career options, instead I am reminded of the […]
Bias – the uncomfortable truth
Having recently attended the Vitae annual conference for those of us who work in the field of researcher development, I find I am now reflecting on the content. Along with the usual pieces about policy, practice and current topics of interest was a plenary session looking at unconscious bias. Biases – yes, the evidence is we […]
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