Beginning with the end in mind

Another academic year has begun and for those doing research degrees, there will be significant stages to be faced in their PhD journey. Probation, writing up, final submission, viva etc…

Whilst this might seem a good opportunity to prattle on about the benefits of thinking ahead to career options, instead I am reminded of the work of Steven Covey. Amongst his “seven habits of highly effective people” is the advice to “begin with the end in mind”. Perhaps this is the life blood of any good project manager’s work. However, it does not appear to be often included when degrees, trainings or jobs are advertised.

Too often I have seen people begin a programme of education, training course, or new job without giving sufficient thought to where they hope to be at the end of that process. The end in mind appears to be getting the certificate or having the job, and plans beyond that are often vague. A highly likely outcome of this is the individual finding him/herself in a rut, in the short term, or in the long term underemployed.

So at the beginning of this academic year, it is well worth considering where we want to be at the end of the year, at the end of the research degree, etc…

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Martin Coffey

About Martin Coffey

Postgraduate Career Development Adviser, Doctoral College Team.

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