10 responses to “Museums as sanctuaries from hate?”

  1. Ruben Smit

    Well said Robin, and just to add to your list of proactive and inclusive approaches, what to think of the great ‘Multaka’ initiative of Museum Insel institutions to fully welcome Syrian people who fled their region with guided tours in their own language in museums like the Pergamon Museum (with great Assyrian and Islamic collections) and the German Historic Museum?

  2. Museum som fristad från hat | Museum Mixtape

    […] University of Leicester har sedan länge varit ledande vad gäller museologisk forskning. Deras ”School of Museum Studies Blog” är god läsning. Senaste inlägget som lades upp i veckan är signerat Robin Clarke och har titeln: ”Museums as sanctuaries from hate?” (länk) […]

  3. Steve Rooney

    Thanks for this, Robin – really important contribution to a vital debate.

    The idea of a sanctuary is an interesting one as I guess it *could* me misconstrued as a form of ‘escape from’ the oppression and bigotry around us, whereas your vision is much more one of a space to challenge and confront these. Couldn’t agree more.

    I read so many parallels with the idea of socially engaged scholarship and teaching in HE – like museums, universities are never neutral, either. Jan McArthur has also written of the University as a ‘sanctuary’ for critical thought, where knowledge is engaged with in complex and contested ways and where reductive notions of ‘knowledge as servant of capital’ and students as ‘human capital’ (which, let’s face it, is how even many senior sector leaders nowadays tend to characterise the value of HE) can be challenged, and alternatives imagined and realised: http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/rethinking-knowledge-within-higher-education-9781441197535/

    In the book, she writes about the particularly positive and creative role more vocationally-oriented/related educational programmes can play in stimulating more critical and socially-engaged forms of scholarship and practice. Museum Studies looks like a case in point 🙂

    Thanks again,


  4. Kate Day

    The events programmes also make a big difference. By bringing people together and promoting discussion museums offer opportunities for people to reconsider the way they see the world.

  5. Donald Trump – Museums in the face of hate

    […] for what is right. Don’t be neutral. We must take sides, we must stand up for what is right. In a previous post (on a similar theme) I quoted Pastor Martin Niemöller, who spoke of how neutrality helps the […]

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