Friday 10th August Sol 4

The first full resolution Mastcam panorama is coming through.  It will take a few sols for it to fully download from Mars.  Fantastic detail of Mt. Sharp and ground surface leading up to it.  More later on that.

In the next sol the first Characterisation Activity Phase (CAP) will end we move on to the next one (CAP1b).  This CAP will allow the engineering staff to take back control of Curiosity for a while.  In CAP1a the science team were on call for every data return by Odyssey, for the next few sols we will concentrate on the science discussions and planning.  Every sol (currently at about 6 am but moves forward with every martian day) we have  our main discussion where we give short presentations on the data returned.  In the last one I gave  a few slides about the sort of things I might like to do to understand the water at Gale Crater.   Another topic being briefly discussed is what should we call the landing site. 

We have been issued with a  dictionary of acronyms and we need it!  My favourite is KOP – that’s Keeper of the Plan. 


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About jbridges

This blog is a record of my experiences and work during the Mars Science Laboratory mission, from the preparation, landing on August 5th 2012 Pacific Time, and onwards... I will also post updates about our other Mars work on meteorites, ExoMars and new missions. You can also follow the planetary science activities with @LeicsPlanets Professor John Bridges, School of Physics and Astronomy

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