Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on June 12, 2013
We are carefully positioning ourselves for Point Lake. We use the Navigation cameras (NavCam) to do this as they have the most accurate 3d information for taking ChemCam analyses and positioning the robotic arm. This right hand lens Navigation Camera image is beginning to show us close detail of Point Lake and its intriguing surface. Working out the origin of Point Lake is going to be a very important part of understanding Yellowknife Bay and Gale Crater. For instance, was it a heat source (as a lava) or was it deposited cold, as sediment?
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About jbridges
This blog is a record of my experiences and work during the Mars Science Laboratory mission, from the preparation, landing on August 5th 2012 Pacific Time, and onwards...
I will also post updates about our other Mars work on meteorites, ExoMars and new missions. You can also follow the planetary science activities with @LeicsPlanets
Professor John Bridges, School of Physics and Astronomy
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