Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance…and practice does too!
Here at the Career Development Service we’re all about preparation but prep can take many forms and it’s important to include include practice as part of this! Whilst you might feel like a bit of an idiot talking to yourself, taking the time to run through how you might verbalise your interview answers is almost […]
Don’t copy and paste in haste!
You’ve got an essay due in at the end of the week, a group presentation next week, it’s your housemates birthday night out tonight AND you’re going home at the weekend for your Mum’s birthday. How on Earth are you going to find the time to submit a quality application form before the looming deadline? […]
It’s a group task…be a part of the group!
You have conquered many hurdles; application forms, covering letters and telephone interviews and now you’re here here: the Assessment Centre. You are ready to show that company you have been relentlessly stalking at Careers Fairs and researching since first year that you are their next valuable recruit. You’re confident you’re exuding professionalism through and through; […]
Two Students + One Programme = Graduate Job Success
Fran and Lucy took part in the Leicester Award Gold when they studied at the University of Leicester, hear why they think you should do it too! Why did you apply for the Leicester Award Gold? Fran – I applied for the Leicester Award Gold because I was unsure what I wanted to do when […]
How to ace the assessment centre…
You’re at an assessment centre. It’s been a long gruelling day already, and it’s only lunch time. You’ve been up for hours, you’re wearing your smartest clothes, you arrived early to make a good impression and you’ve been concentrating hard on being at your best all morning. So far, so good. But now that it’s […]
Telephone Interviews, in a nutshell.
Whilst your interviewer – or interviewers (yes – sometimes you may be on speaker phone to more than one recruiter!) – can’t see your surroundings, they can certainly hear them. Follow these three tips to ensure your telephone interview runs as smoothly as possible without any noisy interruptions: Warn your housemates that you have a […]
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