Arch-I-Scan Colloquium and Workshop – Artificial Intelligence and Pottery Identification and Analyses, College Court, Leicester Thursday- Friday 20th-21st April
please click here to go to the blog post on the Arch-I-Scan news website.

Aysha Scans: The Summer Intern
Special Guest Blog Post by Aysha Wahid As a self-identified over-achiever, after giving in my last assignment and finally completing my degree, instead of binge-watching The Office like a normal student would, I decided to apply for a finalist summer internship at the University (also partly because I needed the money and partly to avoid […]

Science-Fiction Reality? Artificial Intelligence and Archaeology
Every so often, I’ll get the question, ‘So, have you ever found any dinosaurs?’ Although I’d honestly love to encounter a dinosaur bone or two on an archaeological excavation, as a student of archaeology I have to respond that dinosaurs are generally the realm of the palaeontologist, and what I deal with are the […]
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