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There… and back again: Vindolanda, Week 3

There… and back again: Vindolanda, Week 3

Our third and final week of pottery scanning at Vindolanda got off to an unexpected start; unfortunately, circumstances led our comrade Santos to return home to Leicester, leaving Daan and me to continue collecting data as a duo. Santos was with us in spirit however, as were still able to check in with him over […]

The rime of the ancient archaeologist

The rime of the ancient archaeologist

I qualify for the above title after having celebrated yet another birthday, this time up here in Vindolanda. Victoria organised a caterpillar cake, which compensated somewhat for being isolated from my family back in Leicester. Although I would have definitely wanted to spend my special day with them, working with some really striking pieces of […]

Journey to the Edge of Empire: Notes from Vindolanda Week 1

Journey to the Edge of Empire: Notes from Vindolanda Week 1

When the UK government announced the first national lockdown in March, we were only at the very beginning of our pottery-scanning programme, having visited the Museum of London for a few days the previous December, and MoLA (Museum of London Archaeology) for a total of three weeks between February and March. We had plans for […]

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