Professor of Criminology & Head of School
One thing I’ve learned from studying and working in criminology and forensic psychology is that most people I meet are inherently curious about topics relating to crime. When someone asks me what I do for a living, and I say “I’m a Professor of Criminology”, more often than not they respond by telling me how fascinated they are by serial killers, or forensic science, or whatever the latest crime fiction show or bestselling novel is at the time.
And I totally understand their enthusiasm for the subject – after all, that’s exactly what I was like long before I went to university to study psychology and forensic science for my undergraduate degree. Now, nearly 30 years on from starting my studies, and I’m just as passionate about criminology as I was back then. Which is why I’m so excited to be introducing this new School of Criminology blog.
As an academic, you become very accustomed to producing all sorts of outputs from your research and teaching – lectures, books, journal articles, etc. – but we don’t often spend enough time telling the general public about what we do, and why it is important. Which is a shame, because in the case of criminology, the general public is typically really interested in the sorts of topics that we study and teach. So, the purpose of this new blog series is to enable staff and students in the School of Criminology to share their work and experiences with a wider audience, in an accessible, open-access format.
At the University of Leicester, the School of Criminology has been producing world-class research and educating the criminologists of the future for over 30 years. We are a team of academics from a wide range of backgrounds, including criminology, psychology, sociology, law, anthropology, and social policy, to name a few. Despite being from many different disciplines, what we all have in common is an interest in improving our understanding of, and responses to, crime. This blog series will reflect this diversity in our academic backgrounds, and give you some fascinating insight into the many different aspects of crime and how we tackle these issues from a range of perspectives.
In this blog series, you won’t just learn about the research going on in the School. There will also be blogs exploring who we are, how we teach criminology, and highlighting some of the great work that our students are doing during their undergraduate and postgraduate studies with us. If you are interested in discovering what it would be like to study criminology, these blogs will be a great way to learn about what being a student in criminology is really like. We will also be featuring blogs by our professional services colleagues, who provide a range of crucial support for academics and students in the School.
Whether you are a criminologist or practitioner who wants to keep up-to-date with activities in the School, a prospective or current criminology student, or someone who is just interested in all things criminology – welcome to the School of Criminology blog. I have no doubt that you will find the topics in this series as engaging, interesting, and inspirational as we all do.
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